Bluejay on Bluejay

Hi! Nice to meet you! I’m insane
- as I prefer: a Loon -:
the dragons dance within my brain,
my heart lives on the moon.

My feet will never touch the ground.
My mood will draw me down.
I’ve lost my mind and can’t be found,
and some think me a clown.

I hate those kids with poison eyes
that spit on all that’s strange.
My dreams are true. The world is lies.
My home’s far from the range.

Sometimes I scream, my eyes all wide,
my head will hit the wall.
I then bear no one by my side.
And in my dreams, I fall.

Then laughter fills my heart with joy
on sunshine in a tree.
As sundust is my dearest toy,
forever I’ll be free.

Within my walls, I feel so save,
They’re solid, strong and stout.
The world outside is but a grave,
So dear not tear me out.

Now that a genuine loon you know,
Go on and tell your friends.
You’re hesitating? Off you go!
Nice to have met you! Cheerio!
I’ll dance when your world ends.

Copyright 2000 by Maudlin Jaye

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